Expanding horizons

I had started this blog in an effort to chronicle my investment ideas. I did find a nice outlet for this in Seeking Alpha. So, for the last few months I have been blogging there. I am posting the links here so that I can find them years from now in case I forget. What Seeking Alpha gives me is a feedback loop from complete strangers on the ideas that I propose. This has great value since the feedback is unbiased (towards my writing) and not watered down by association with these people. It is a great outlet for my need to put out ideas and get some thoughts on it. I do hope to continue posting here when I want to put up a quick trade.

But for now, here are my postings from Seeking Alpha.

Thoughts on a three way deal between EMC, HPQ and VMW:


Bailing on Sears (just too hard):


Lessons learnt the hard way:


A security story for VMW:


My big bet for 2016:


By best investment thus far. I still hold that value for MSFT is at 44$. The market might take it higher, but I will add if it falls below 40$.



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